Thursday 30 April 2015

Dear Diary,

Today I have moved to Paris, I hope to be able to make a success for myself within the fashion industry. It would be my dream to become a famous fashion designer and have my own line of clothes.....I better start getting myself prepared for job interviews.

see you soon
love me
Dear Diary,

Today I had to put my daughter into care. I just couldn't face bringing her up without the support of her dad, there are so many things that I still have yet to achieve. I don't want to sound selfish but I just think my daughter would be better off without me. Maybe one day when she's older she might wonder who I am and come looking for me.

see you soon
love me
Dear Diary,

I received the best news ever today, I am pregnant. My happiness was short lived, when I told Mark his reaction wasn't what I imagined. He just took off. I don't know where he's gone but I hope he soon returns. I can't bring up this baby on my own.

see you soon
love me
Dear Diary,

Today I met the most amazing person ever. I didn't think I believed in love at first sight until now. I can honestly see a future with him. I can picture it now, a nice country house, a few kids running around outside, a family pet. It would be perfect.

see you soon
love me